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My Work

Making your vision come to life 

Kinokuniya Print

Maido Print advertisement 

The client designs this project.

This piece was used as an advertisement in the University Times newspaper. The client wanted to focus on selecting pens, store information, and logos of their store.


Notes that were given during this project:

  • Maido logo

  • Kinokuniya Logo

  • Pen's display 

  • Christmas gifts 

  • Simplicity

OldVine Marketting Specialist Folder

In the consulting industry, each situation is unique and requires a specific set of solutions. For this project, I helped my client define the ideal outcome for the situation through strategic planning.

We met with Itika, discussed and broke down the targetted audience, performed a swot analysis, targeted her audience, provided a creative brief and media kit. Finally, put together a folder where we display all the research and creatives generated to improve her business during Covid-19.

Projects : Projects

Maido Video advertisement 


Directed by Andrea Martinez

Shot by: @erickbrigham

This video was created by University Times and provided to them to use for their socials. 


Notes were given:

- 15-second video.

-  Mindful of copyright, therefore, no music 

-Focus on Christmas gifts

- Display pens 

- Showcase crystals 

and most importantly: 

-Include their logos and both locations. 



Bravo Beauty

Directed and shot by Andrea Martinez.

Bravo Beauty is a small business given as my capstone project. During this project, I updated her social media, updated her forms of communication with clients, swot analysis of her business, and lastly, created a video advertisement with the following resources provided:

 - Old footage from her account

- Footage that I took at the client's shop.

-Audio of the client inviting people to her business and informing people about her purpose.


One Minute Project

Project due during quarantine. 
Directed by @eddymartin
Edited by Andrea Martinez

Projects : Projects

S|M Brand 

A self-practice video ad that was focused on the short clip taken by me, focusing on the audio to create a story. 

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